Wind Cannon and Banana Boyz possible PVP Raid


New Member
Jun 18, 2006
Boulder, CO
I just posted a request in Deus Vox (ALLIANCE GUILD) forums to see if they would be interested in a Guild PVP Raid in the DM courtyard.

IDEA: Horde on West platform, Alliance on East--Fight elites as fast as possible to drop INTO the area for the battle but also for the drop of the boss.

Communication Between Horde and Allies--The Main Officers would have access to my Team Speak server. I know BBZ uses Ventrilo so all of your guild will be on that server while the officers would also be on the Team Speak to communicate with the Alliance officers. We would then name a captain to speak for the Horde to give the 'ready' and the Alliance would do the same. A 5 Second Countdown would take place and someone would YELL in the map since everyone can see the red text (readable or not) and we would then battle it out. Good for screenshots I am sure.

If Deus Vox is too wimpy to do this then I may post it on Vanquish's site since I chat there as well. Please let me know what you think or send an in game tell to Greenplastic or myself, lotsopimiples .