IG Name:Final Doom
Who you know or have played with in KoC / Blood (that can vouch for you): i was in blood for year or so, i didn't hang out with many cept skatman. This mainly due to rl friends/family playing which were also in blood
Previous games played with us: AC Dt
VENTMIX (see sticky post w/ DL link) & Mic (Yes or No):yes
Do you have the game Yup
There is a weekly tax you must pay, it is quite easy to acquire. 1,000 gold and 300 timber. You must agree to this. (Yes/No) Yes
Anything else you want us to know or reasons you would like to join Blood? I have 5 other friends that would also like to join as well, including my brother who played warlock' in asherons call
Who you know or have played with in KoC / Blood (that can vouch for you): i was in blood for year or so, i didn't hang out with many cept skatman. This mainly due to rl friends/family playing which were also in blood
Previous games played with us: AC Dt
VENTMIX (see sticky post w/ DL link) & Mic (Yes or No):yes
Do you have the game Yup
There is a weekly tax you must pay, it is quite easy to acquire. 1,000 gold and 300 timber. You must agree to this. (Yes/No) Yes
Anything else you want us to know or reasons you would like to join Blood? I have 5 other friends that would also like to join as well, including my brother who played warlock' in asherons call