Deathwhisper server because


New Member
Dec 10, 2007
I want to see you guys to fight

Hordes of Goonhiem i hear they took over Eve online and a Vangaurd Server

but since you guys went doomslayer guess that will never happen
nomed44 said:
I want to see you guys to fight

Hordes of Goonhiem i hear they took over Eve online and a Vangaurd Server

but since you guys went doomslayer guess that will never happen

Shrug... Well be fighting our old rival MIM from UO... And so many other new guilds I have never seen. I think it will be a bit more fun on Doom.

"Addiction broke all ties with Blood when he hacked the Blood account and deleted the monarchy bringing sheer terror and chaos to the Keepers of Chaos core group. "

What a joke, HARM is addiction and some other AC hasbeens. Hardly a serious guild or anyone on their list worthy of note.
Just to feed the troll:

To give you a little history, Blood was over a 20,000 man monarchy that dominated the entirety of the Darktide server on Asheron's Call.

Its funny the "harm guild history" is starting at Blood being 20k.

I guess it sounds better than starting at when Addiction hanged with GEN or when his DMF guild was created and both ended up in total failure.

What he forgot to mention also is him only making it in Blood because it was a request by some of the gimps who were joining us and that would buy their silence regarding the shroud dungeon.

He also forgets to mention that when we left AC, Blood was indeed 18 000 to 20 000 big, but over the years he lost a bunch. Roughly 12 000 were left when he got BOOTED (which he forgets to mention) and saddly out of those 12k most were mules or rejects from o_O or TLS whom we had previously kosed and he had let back.

When Addiction would break off with some of his most ELITE members, Blood would find themselves reeling in terror as they had to once again fight for what they thought was previously theirs.
Through years of subversion, and social engineering, Addiction broke all ties with Blood when he hacked the Blood account and deleted the monarchy bringing sheer terror and chaos to the Keepers of Chaos core group.

Translation, when addiction got booted from Blood, he and Doomgaze got so humiliated and owned on a daily basis (poor doomgaze was white all the time & Addiction would end up recalling on sight) that their only recourse was to delete niller's Blood account to disband the monarchy and cause severe trauma to the monarchy. And while our best members were forced to level the new tag instead of being on the field all Addiction & Doomgaze could do was to report us around the clock to slow down the process...

Way to admit they had lost in game and needed to ressort to out of the game means...

But there again, Addiction fails to mention how, despite all of that, their Sanguinans guild failed and disbanded in no time and even a few years later when he wanted to come back to AC, he was forced to swear into blood under a false name lying about his identity to try and compete and get some levels in Blood's leveling ground, displaying once more how he couldnt compete outside of the Blood monarchy.

Thanks for the laugh.

Addiction's group? Poor guy still trying to get attention.
I love the way this guy boasts that he deleted blood. If this faggot was in my group I'd boot his ass and grief his stupid vagina until he quit. Hacking someone's IRL account just says you're too big of a puss to win in game.

See ya on the field bitches
A few old school UO guilds from ches were on that server. Not sure if they are still on it, people getting tired of AoC being a 1 shot 1 second death game.

[23] Guardian#223 afflicts you with Stunned
[23] Guardian#223 Skewer hit you for 3807 slashing damage.
[23] You gain 56 mana.
[23] Guardian#223 afflicts you with Stun Immunity
[23] Guardian#223 Skewer hit you for 2113 slashing damage.
So true... you leveled to 80 for what? I think I could have bought a new fps if I wanted to play that style.... I think this should have been an immediate fix.. the only reason I haven't canceled is because a few people still play. Well see how long they take to fix that bug.